Пятый Гусарский Турнир

Отборочный тур

Альбы на иностранных языках

Альба как жанр возникла в Провансе, на юге Франции. В силу этого альбы, в основном, написаны именно на провансальском диалекте старо-французского. Вашему вниманию предлагается "Reis glorios" на языке оригинала, спараллельным переводом на английский, и альна неизвестного автора. С переводами обеих альб, сделанными Валентиной Дынник, можно ознакомиться на основной странице конкурса.


"Reis glorios"

("Glorious king")
Giraut de Bornelh
(c. 1165-1210)
Language: French, Dialect: Old Provençal

Reis glorios, verais lums e clartatz,
Deus poderos, Senher, si a vos platz,
al meu companh sïatz fizels ajuda,
qu'eu non lo vi pos la nochs fo venguda,
e ades sera l'alba.

Glorious king, true light and clarity,
Almighty God, Lord, if it please You,
Be a faithful aid to my companion,
For I have not seen him since the night came,
And soon it will be dawn.  5

Bel companho, si dormetz o veillatz?
Non dormatz plus, suau vos ressidatz,
qu'en orïent vei l'estela creguda
qu'amena.l jorn, qu'eu l'ai ben coneguda,
e ades sera l'alba.

Fair companion, are you sleeping or awake?
Don't sleep any longer, but softly rouse yourself,
For in the east I see the star arisen
Which brings on the day, I know it well,
And soon it will be dawn.  10

Bel companho, en chantan vos apel:
non dormatz plus, qu'eu aug chantar l'auzel
que vai queren lo jorn per lo boscatge,
et ai paor que.l gilos vos assatge,
e ades sera l'alba.

Fair companion, I call you with singing:
Don't sleep any longer, for I hear the bird sing
Which goes to seek the day through the woods,
And I fear that the jealous one may attack you,
And soon it will be dawn.  15

Bel companho, eissetz al fenestrel,
et esgardatz las ensenhas del cel;
connoisseretz si.us sui fizels messatge:
si non o faitz, vostres n'er lo damnatge,
e ades sera l'alba.

Fair companion, go to the window
And look at the stars in the sky;
You will understand whether I am your faithful messenger:
If you don't do this, it will be to your harm,
And soon it will be dawn.  20

Bel companho, pos mi parti de vos,
eu non dormi ni.m moc de ginolhos,
ans preguei Deu, lo filh Santa Maria,
que.us mi rendes per lejal companhia,
e ades sera l'alba.

Fair companion, since I left you
I have neither slept nor risen from my knees,
Rather I prayed God, the Son of Saint Mary,
That he might give you back to me in loyal companionship,
And soon it will be dawn.  25

Bel companho, la foras als peios.
me prejavatz qu'eu no fos dormilhos,
enans velhes tota noch tro al dia;
aras no.us platz mos chans ni ma paria,
e ades sera l'alba.

Fair companion, you begged me not to be sleepy
Out there on the steps,
But rather keep watch all night until dawn;
Neither my song nor my company please you now,
And soon it will be dawn.  30

Bel dous companh, tan sui en ric sojorn
qu'eu no volgra mais fos alba ni jorn,
car la gensor que anc nasqués de maire
tenc et abras, per qu'eu non prezi gaire
Lo fol gilós ni l'alba.

Fair sweet companion, I am in so rich a place
That I wish it would never be dawn nor day,
Because the noblest lady ever born of mother
I hold and embrace; therefore, I don't care at all about
The jealous fool nor the dawn.  35



Anonymous author

In orchard where the leaves of hawthorn hide,
A lady holds a lover by her side,
Until the watcher in the dawning cried.
Ah God, ah God, the dawn! It comes how soon.
"Ah, would to God that never night must end,
Nor this my lover far from me should wend,
Nor watcher day nor dawning ever send!
Ah God, ah God, the dawn! It comes how soon.
Come let us kiss, dear lover, you and I,
Within the meads where pretty song-birds fly;
We will do all despite the jealous eye:
Ah God, ah God, the dawn! It comes how soon.
Sweet lover come, renew our lovemaking
Within the garden where the light birds sing,
Until the watcher sound the severing.
Ah God, ah God, the dawn! It comes how soon.
Through the soft breezes that are blown from there,
From my own lover, courteous, noble and fair,
From his breath have I drunk a draught most rare."
Ah God, ah God, the dawn! It comes how soon.
Gracious the lady is, and debonaire,
For her beauty a many look at her.
And in her heart is loyal love astir.
Ah God, ah God, the dawn! It comes how soon.
From The Middle Ages Volume I, p.199-200. Taken from a 1950 translation.

При оформлении конкурсной странички были использованы материалы "Истории костюма", библиотек средневековой литературы др. Крэйга И. Бертоле и университета Калгари, описания стихорворных жанров средних веков, а также Британская энциклопедия. Примеры альб были заимствованы у Фионнира, ссылку на страничку которого любезно предоставил ппк Ингвалл фон Приколл.